Data Categories

Weather Information

Data productDescriptionData supplier
Slippery roadsEach event is generated out of respective vehicle signals in a completely anonymized way. The events are provided for a geographic rectangle covering Europe. The dataset contains events of the last 30 minutes and gets updated every 5 minutes.German car manufacturer
FogEach event is generated out of respective vehicle signals in a completely anonymized way. The events are provided for a geographic rectangle covering Europe. The dataset contains events of the last 30 minutes and gets updated every 5 minutes. German car manufacturer
Heavy rainEach event is generated out of respective vehicle signals in a completely anonymized way. The events are provided for a geographic rectangle covering Europe. The dataset contains events of the last 30 minutes and gets updated every 5 minutes. German car manufacturer
Weather warningsWeather warnings for GermanyPublic authorities
2m temperature at RBSN stationsMeasured values of temperature at 2m altitude at DWD stations in the Regional Basic Synoptic Network (RBSN)Public authorities
Rainfall radarStandard evaluation (1 km resolution) of the radar reflectivity distribution (WX product) generated by superimposing the reflectivities of all radar sites in Germany. Public authorities
Air qualityReal-time validated information from clean air sensors and 130K devices for shared mobility across Europe.Map service provider
Micro WeatherThe vehicle as a 'moving weather station': Benefit from the latest weather data at GPS level, anonymized collected from the Mercedes-Benz vehicle fleet.German car manufacturer

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