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Statements, press releases as well as up-to-date text and graphics on the Mobility Data Space.

Press Releases

Solita and Mobility Data Space: Partnership for data-driven Smart City solutions, September 2024, Munich
PDF, 270 KB

Moritz Stober is the Mobility Data Space’s new Director of Community Management, July 2024, Munich
PDF, 145 KB

Mobility Data Space at Market-X Conference & Expo 2024 and Data Spaces Symposium, 12.-14. March 2024, Darmstadt
PDF, 214 KB

Mobility Data Space at the Fuhrpark & Mobility Excellence Forum, 20-21 February 2024, Scandic Hafenpark, Frankfurt am Main
PDF, 190 KB

Mobility Data Space at polisMOBILITY 2023, 24–26 May, Cologne, Hall 01.2, Stand C-030-E-039 (state of North Rhine-Westphalia)
PDF, 159 KB

Driving tomorrow’s logistics through data exchange and new digital services
PDF, 162 KB

Free State of Bavaria becomes partner in Mobility Data Space
PDF, 204 KB

The Mobility Data Space: a catalyst for new mobility services
PDF, 352 KB

Mobility Data Space names truzzt Alliance as platform operator
PDF, 203 KB

Baden-Württemberg to engage as active partner in Mobility Data Space
PDF, 179 KB

Catrin Schlatmann heads marketing and PR of the Mobility Data Space
PDF, 153 KB

Michael Schäfer is the new Managing Director at Mobility Data Space
PDF, 116 KB

"Mobility Data Space": Scheuer: Paving the way for European mobility data ecosystem
PDF, 27,5 KB

Leading mobility providers lay foundation for collaboration in the Mobility Data Space – first applications to be presented at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg next week
PDF, 345 KB

Press Images

JPG, 5,4 MB



Brochures & Presentations

Pitch Deck
PDF, 5,2 MB

PDF, 132 KB

Fact Sheet
PDF, 100 KB

MDS Logo Set
ZIP, 4,3 MB

Fact Sheet Data Spaces
PDF, 722KB

MDS Press Kit
PDF, 950 KB



The Mobility Data Space is a data marketplace where partners in the mobility sector can share data based on equal rights and data sovereignty to facilitate and advance innovative, environmentally sustainable and user-friendly mobility concepts.

The platform is characterised by transparency, the highest European data protection standards, decentralisation and self-determination of members. To learn more about the MDS, visit the „Mobility Data Space“ page.

The Mobility Data Space is an ecosystem for trading any data that fosters the development of new, innovative products and services in the mobility sector – based on the highest standards of data protection and European data security.

Get an overview of what the data catalog has to offer.

The Mobility Data Space is a data sharing community open to all organisations working on mobility solutions, regardless of the sector they serve - road, rail, water or air. From major vehicle manufacturers to ride-sharing services, from public transport operators to navigation software companies, from research institutes to bikeshare providers.

Currently, around 165 organisations are members of the Mobility Data Space. You can find an overview of all members on the ecosystem page.

High-quality data is the key resource of our time. In the mobility sector, data is an essential prerequisite for innovations such as autonomous driving and smart traffic management systems as well as user-friendly and sustainable solutions in transport and logistics.

The Mobility Data Space provides all its members with equal and transparent access to data and aims to spark competition for the best ideas and concepts.

To learn about innovative solutions for the mobility sector that the Mobility Data Space helped bring about, go to Use Cases.

Trusted Data Space

As a non-profit organisation, MDS provides a trusted data space for the secure and transparent exchange of mobility data. Thanks to the decentralised structure, members have full data and contractual sovereignty at all times, and decide with whom they share their data.

One-stop shop

The MDS acts as a central marketplace. Members can not only offer and buy data, but also benefit from the diverse data sharing community. This provides direct access to relevant contacts and opens up new business opportunities for everyone involved.

Win-win situation

The diversity of members in the Data Sharing Community leads to numerous networking opportunities and partnerships. Members benefit from each other's experience and resources, enabling them to expand their own data portfolios and develop new business models together.

Would you like to benefit from these benefits? Here we explain how you can become a member of the Mobility Data Space in just a few steps.

The MDS charges membership fees. These fees are used to co-finance the MDS services. These include the maintenance of the technical platform and the various services of the Data Sharing Community, such as workshops and networking events, working groups, matchmaking and project coordination of use cases. The MDS is a non-profit organisation (GmbH) and is funded by public and private sources (the Mobility Data Space shareholders).

The exact amount of the annual contribution depends on the organisational form and the annual turnover of the respective member. Details can be found in our price list and in the membership fee schedule.

In the Mobility Data Space, data providers have full sovereignty over their data. The terms and conditions for the use of individual data offers are freely agreed between the data provider and the data recipient.

Data is transmitted directly between the contractual parties (peer-to-peer). There is no central data storage, and the data provider always knows who is using their data.

Data providers also have the freedom to deny data use to certain actors.

The Mobility Data Space data catalogue offers a broad portfolio of different data sets. Our eleven categories (e.g. weather information, traffic flow information) make it easy to find the right data offering for you. You can use various filters and keywords to quickly find relevant data.

Would you like to get an overview of what is available in our data catalogue? Visit the Data Catalogue page.

The Mobility Data Space goes back to a resolution of the Concerted Action Mobility (KAM) of Germany’s Federal Government from 4 November 2019 and is intended to promote cooperation in the mobility sector (automotive industry, mobility service providers, municipalities, infrastructure providers, transport companies and many more) with regard to the exchange of data.

More than 200 German mobility stakeholders from the science, business and public administration sectors worked on the Mobility Data Space concept. Key stakeholders include BMW, Caruso, Daimler, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post DHL, HERE, HUK-Coburg Versicherung and Volkswagen, as well as the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.

The holding company is the non-profit DRM Datenraum Mobilität GmbH, which emerged from a project run by the acatech Foundation. The MDS is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport.

In addition to the acatech Foundation, shareholders include BMW INTEC Beteiligungs GmbH, Caruso GmbH, Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft, Deutsche Post AG, HERE Europe B.V., HUK-COBURG Haftpflicht-Unterstützungs-Kasse kraftfahrender Beamter Deutschlands a.G. in Coburg, Mercedes-Benz AG, VDV eTicket Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH and Volkswagen Group Info Services AG, as well as the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia.

You can find out more about the Mobility Data Space organisation and its shareholders on the page „About us“.

The infrastructure of the Mobility Data Space has been operated by the truzzt Alliance since July. Three companies - IONOS, Orbiter and Atos - work together in the truzzt Alliance for the Mobility Data Space. IONOS realized the highly scalable cloud infrastructure with the help of open source software. Orbiter, as a system integrator, implemented the functionality and the security concept of the data space. Atos, which specialises in digitalisation and cloud projects, is providing support for the project and monitoring compliance with the criteria relevant for certification. Together, the truzzt Alliance companies ensure ease-of-use, maximum compatibility and the highest security standards. Read more about the partners and their work in the press release on the launch of the platform.

As one of seven Lighthouse Projects, the Mobility Data Space is part of the Gaia-X family, i.e., a class of data spaces that are all interoperable. This enables cross-domain and cross-sector exchange.

The technical conception of the MDS is carried out in close coordination with European and national initiatives to ensure compatibility with the Gaia-X projects as well as other European data spaces.

The Mobility Data Space helps its users to accelerate their innovation processes for the development of new solutions for a more demand-oriented, more comfortable and more attractive mobility offer. In this way, the Mobility Data Space makes a significant contribution to strengthening Germany as an automotive and mobility location and to Europe's digital sovereignty.

On the recommendation of the German EU Council Presidency, with the Passau Declaration European transport ministers actively committed themselves to combining the EU’s national data spaces into a European Mobility Data Space. The EU Commission welcomes this initiative and will include it in the planned EU strategy for sustainable and intelligent mobility.

Members of the Mobility Data Space receive broad-ranging support to help them successfully provide their data and develop data-driven business models. If they have questions or need support, they can contact the Mobility Data Space via the contact form at any time.

Are you interested in a sample contract for the purchase of data? Send an email to community@mobility-dataspace.eu.

Do you need technical support? Write an email to support@mobility-dataspace.eu.

Datenraum Mobilität and the Mobility Data Space are basically the same project, but the name was later changed to enable networking across Europe. The aim of this renaming was to ensure that the name of the project is understood throughout Europe and that all stakeholders can identify with it equally. This is facilitated by an English language name that promotes international understanding.

Do you want to buy mobility data or monetise your data and become a data provider? Simply contact us using our contact form or send an informal email to to info@mobilty-dataspace.eu

We will then send you a membership contract. Once the contract has been confirmed, you will be registered and given access to the data offers and the relevant contacts. In the final step, you can offer your data and access the existing data offering by implementing the EDC Connector and subsequent certification. For a detailed description of how to connect to the data space, please see „Path to the MDS“.

Contact Person

Catrin Schlatmann
Marketing, Communications, Fairs & Public Relations
