Dialog and new ideas:
the exclusive network of mobility and data experts
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Next Events
Trade fairs, lectures and events:
dialog and information on mobility data
Smart Country Convention 2024
The Smart Country Convention will take place again in Berlin from 15 to 17 October. The convention is the leading event for the digital state and public services. The three days of the convention are all about bold ideas, smart concepts and innovative solutions for the digital future of the public sector.
To the event
Digital Summit 2024
This year's Digital Summit will take place in Frankfurt under the motto "Germany Digital. Innovative. Sovereign. International". From 21 to 22 October, around 1,000 participants from politics, business, academia and civil society will come together to discuss the key challenges and solutions to this important issue.
Find out more
Digitalisation and intermodality: new paths in mobility
On 26 November, the Mobility Data Space will host a joint event with the Fraunhofer Transport Alliance and the House of Logistics & Mobility. The focus will be on forward-looking concepts for intermodal transport with practical examples of successful intermodality and a look at tomorrow's mobility with autonomous shuttles and innovative charging parks.
Register now
Highlight Events
Our highlight events of the past months