Data Sharing Community:
an ecosystem of mobility and data experts


The federally funded Mobility Data Space is secure, non-profit and user-friendly. The MDS sets the standard for data commercialisation in Europe.

Become a Member

Smiling woman with striking glasses listens

Data Sharing Community

The Data Sharing Community brings together members from different mobility sectors such as OEMs, mobility service providers, local authorities, insurance companies and start-ups. Meet the right people for your needs and develop your mobility solutions together.

View the MDS Member list

Two people talking in front of a PC with evening atmosphere
Screen with bar chart and map of Europe - text module in round tile: BMW Road Map Local Hazard InformationScreen with bar chart and map of Europe - text module in round tile: BMW Road Map Local Hazard Information
Screen with diagrams on gasoline consumption and e-mobility - text module in round tile: Caruso Sustainable use of electric drivesScreen with diagrams on gasoline consumption and e-mobility - text module in round tile: Caruso Sustainable use of electric drives
Mobile app with mobility offers - text module in round tile: highQ AI-based optimization of mobility offers.Mobile app with mobility offers - text module in round tile: highQ AI-based optimization of mobility offers.
Railroad tracks between fields in cloudy weather - text module in round tile: Deutsche Bahn Mobilität vernetzt: Multimodal major disruption informationRailroad tracks between fields in cloudy weather - text module in round tile: Deutsche Bahn Mobilität vernetzt: Multimodal major disruption information
Parking sensor display in car - text module in round tile: Mercedes-Benz optimize parking space search & planningParking sensor display in car - text module in round tile: Mercedes-Benz optimize parking space search & planning


Fair, equal, secure and decentralised – data exchange that benefits all stakeholders

The Mobility Data Space sets the standard for data trading. It connects providers and buyers of mobility data in an uncomplicated way and creates a framework for cooperation based on trust.

Data is transferred between the parties via easy-to-install connectors. No data is stored by third parties. Participation is free of charge until end of 2024.

Become a member now

Membership fee

MDS membership fees at a glance

From 1 January 2025, MDS will levy user fees to co-finance the Data Sharing Community and MDS services. The MDS will remain a non-profit organisation.

As a member, you will have direct access to the data catalogue, workshops and networking opportunities, as well as relevant contacts for your innovative mobility solution.

Find out how you can benefit from the services offered by the MDS:
Path to the MDS

Price list
Membership fee schedule

From 1 January 2025.

The membership fees are used to co-finance the MDS services. These include the maintenance of the technical platform and the various services of the Data Sharing Community, such as workshops and networking events, working groups, matchmaking and project coordination of use cases.

The MDS is still a non-profit organisation and continues to receive public and private funding (from the Mobility Data Space shareholders).

  • A Data Sharing Community offering:
    - Thematic working groups and workshops
    - Active networking of data providers and recipients or with process relevant contacts
    - Central coordination of use case projects using processes and tools
    - Business development consulting on data trading and data handling
    - Networking meetings and after-work events with peers and experts
    - Referral to competent service providers
  • Federal funding and synergies with government initiatives such as MISSION KI or the Plattform Lernende Systeme initiative
  • MDS Data Catalogue: You will find meaningful data offers in various data categories and can search for specific data thanks to the filter function
  • Use of an IDSA-compliant trading platform and data exchange via the MDS infrastructure using the EDC connector or Connector-as-a-Service (CaaS)

The exact amount of the annual fee depends on the type of organisation and the annual turnover of the member. Details can be found in our price list and in the membership fee schedule.

If you have any questions about "Becoming a Member" or the membership fees, please send an email to

Overview of the members of the MDS

52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH
1001 Lakes Oy
ADAC Service GmbH
Aegis Rider AG
AETHON Engineering P.C.
Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer
AGES Maut System GmbH & Co.KG
AI Shepherds GmbH
Andata Entwicklungstechnologie GmbH
arrive Mobility
Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt gGmbH – AININ
arxes engineering GmbH
ASFINAG Maut Service GmbH
Asociación Centro Tecnológico CEIT
aspectivo GmbH
Automicle Holding BV
Autoroutes Trafic
bayern innovativ – Bayerische Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer mbH
BayWa Mobility Solutions GmbH
Beebucket GmbH
Bernard Technologies GmbH
Bridgestone Mobility Solutions B.V.
Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. - BEM
Büsing, Müffelmann & Theye
cariad/GIS AG
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)
CM1 GmbH
Codecentric AG
Codos Foundation
Correlation Systems
Data Floss
Data Intelligence Offensive
Datenkompetenzzentrum Städte und Regionen - DKSR GmbH
Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH – DAT
Deutsche Bahn AG
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes
Dinycon Sistemas S.L.
doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH
DWD – Deutscher Wetterdienst
EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub Central
Energiekonzepte Vollert
Esri Deutschland GmbH
exorbyte GmbH
eXXcellent solutions GmbH
FKFS – Forschungsinstitut für Kraftfahrwesen und Fahrzeugmotoren Stuttgart
Fluctuo SAS
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Fraunhofer IEE
Fraunhofer ISE
FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH
FutureTap GmbH
Geotab GmbH
GP Joule GmbH
GRAHA International GmbH
GTÜ Gesellschaft für Technische Überwachung mbH
Hamburger Hochbahn AG
Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH
Hubject GmbH
HUSS-Verlag GmbH
IBM Deutschland GmbH
ICCT - International Council on Clean Transportation Europe gGmbH
Ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH
IHK Düsseldorf
Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Düsseldorf
Initiative für sichere Straßen GmbH
Invenium Data Insights GmbH
ITS Germany e.V./AIAMO c/o Theis Consult
Keita Mobility Factory
Konnecta Systems IKE
Latitudo 40 S.r.l.
LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH
Loglign GmbH
Lumii Energy Inc.
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Mcube Consulting
Mentz GmbH
Mercedes-Benz AG
Met Office
Metropolregion Rhein Neckar GmbH
MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
mixed data agency GmbH & Co.KG
MMM Intelligence UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Mobilitätsreferat der Landeshauptstadt München
mouver GmbH
Movingdots GmbH
Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV)
National Highways
NDW - Nationaal Dataportaal Wegverkeer
Nexyo GmbH
NTT DATA Romania S.A.
NVBW – Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbh
One Thousand
Outdooractive AG
Parkopedia Limited
Perpetuum Progress GmbH
POST Luxembourg
PRISMA solutions
raummobil GmbH
Regionalentwicklung Oberland KU
Rhoe Urban Technologies
RTB GmbH & Co. KG
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Schuh&Co GmbH
Silo AI Oy
Smart City System Parking Solutions GmbH
Smart Mobility Research Group (Universität Göttingen)
Software AG
Solita Germany GmbH
Spekter GmbH
Stadt Gelsenkirchen
Stadt Hamburg
Stadt Ulm
Stadtwerke München
Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH
Sulzer GmbH
T-Systems International
TD Reply GmbH
Tech Meets Legal GmbH
The Mobilers Team
TIER Mobility SE
Toll4Europe GmbH
Tourismus NRW e.V.
Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
TransiTool P.C.
Twiliner AG
TÜV-Verband e.V.
TÜV Rheinland
TÜV Süd Autoservice GmbH
Universität der Bundeswehr München
UnternehmerTUM GmbH
Urban Software Institute GmbH
Vaisala Oyj
Vindelici Advisors AG
Visa Europe
Wavestone Germany AG
Wemolo GmbH
Wemolo GmbH
Witte Automotive GmbH
Zukunftswerkstatt 4.0 (ZkW 4.0)

MDS Portal

Data, interfaces and support: all in one place

The MDS Portal, which is accessible to registered members, brings together all the key components of the Mobility Data Space in one place. This is where members can find their data offers and requests, manage everything related to the technical interface and contact the MDS Support.

News ticker and events page - stay up to date
The main page of the portal provides up-to-date technical information in the main window (e.g. upcoming maintenance work) and informs members about upcoming events, current data offers and requests as well as news from the MDS Community.

Data Catalogue, My Data Offers and My Connectors
In the Data Catalogue, you can check the current offers of all members and, if interested, consume the respective data set via your connector. You can find an overview of your own data offers that are currently listed in the Data Catalogue under "My Data Offers". All technical information and the administration of your interface (connector) are listed under "My Connectors".

My Organisation - the user administration
In the "My Organisation" section, users can view and edit the organisation and user data of their own organisation. This is also where you invite other colleagues to the MDS Portal and assign them authorisations.

Support - your access to the help centre
The MDS Portal gives you access to our support centre, where you can provide feedback or contact the MDS if you have any problems..

MDS Portal

Contact Person

Moritz Stober
Director Business Development