Dynamic and powerful:
the Mobility Data Space and its backers
Designed by industry experts:
the genesis of the Mobility Data Space
The Mobility Data Space goes back to a resolution of the Concerted Action Mobility (KAM) of Germany's Federal Government from November 2019. More than 200 German mobility stakeholders from the science, industry and public administration sectors worked on the concept. The acatech Foundation steered and coordinated the process.
In 2021, the holding company of the Mobility Data Space was founded, the "DRM Datenraum Mobilität GmbH". It is structured as a neutral non-profit organisation and tasked with the development as well as the technical and commercial orchestration of the Mobility Data Space. The founding shareholder of the GmbH is acatech.
The founding Managing Director is Manfred Rauhmeier, who is also a member of the board of the acatech Stiftung and Managing Director of the acatech Förderverein.
The Mobility Data Space is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV).

Expertise and competence:
shareholders and committees of the Mobility Data Space
The Supervisory Board consists of 11 members elected by the shareholders' meeting. This board works closely with the management and advisory boards for the benefit of the company. It monitors and advises the management.
The advisory board is an independent expert body whose members are drawn from private companies and public institutions as well as scientific or other organisations in the mobility field. They qualify through special expertise and knowledge of the sector and are appointed by the shareholders' meeting of DRM Datenraum Mobilität GmbH. For the benefit of the company, members of the advisory board work closely with the management, the supervisory board and the shareholders.
The central task of the advisory board is to advise the management and the supervisory board on technical issues such as strategic orientation or developing new uses of the Mobility Data Space.
In addition to the acatech Foundation, shareholders include BMW INTEC Beteiligungs GmbH, Caruso GmbH, Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft, DHL Group, HERE Europe B.V., HUK-COBURG Haftpflicht-Unterstützungs-Kasse kraftfahrender Beamter Deutschlands a.G. in Coburg, Mercedes-Benz AG, VDV eTicket Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH and Volkswagen Group Info Services AG, as well as the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia.
More than 200 stakeholders from science, industry and public administration worked on the conception of the MDS. For long-term operation, the acatech Foundation has transferred the project to the DRM Datenraum Mobilität GmbH as a supporting company (non-profit GmbH). The MDS is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.
Shareholders of DRM GmbH are:
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